Many of our students don’t get to have experiences like this…

November 16, 2022


Recently I took seven kids from our City Life program rollerskating. It was eye-opening to me how none of them had ever roller-skated before. We all had so much fun laughing together. I watched as they fell over and over again, and held onto the railing for dear life.

Rollerskating may not seem like an elaborate activity, but many of our students don’t get experiences like this

Some have shared that if it weren’t for City Life, they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to go on a beach vacation, have a movie night, or even just do something as simple as leaving their own neighborhood. 

Our ministry is rooted in relationships. Sometimes those relational bonds are strengthened while rollerskating. I’m looking forward to the next activity where we can have fun, create lasting memories, and hopefully pick up a new skill along the way.