Reaching Young People in Crisis
“My day was done and I was considering closing my eyes when….”PING”! I looked at my phone to see a text from a teen asking “Can we talk?” This has happened 3 different times over the last couple of weeks. As I’ve talked to our leader team, they too have been receiving texts asking the same question. Every conversation started with, “I just don’t know what to do!” That’s a quick glimpse of how God has been working through our team lately. As we established relationships between leaders and students prior to COVID-19, God opened the door for us to share God’s love in the midst of the confusion caused by the pandemic over the last few years. Lots of changes, but no control over it.
In their own words….
- “I didn’t realize how much I’d miss ‘normal life’.”
- “I’m an only child, it’s lonely at home.”
- “When I was in school, all in wanted to do was go home. Now that I’m home, I just want to go to school.”
So what did we do in 2020-2021? We changed how we connected those years!
- We did drive by suprises to students houses. With cookies and care-packages!
- We did Instagram LIVE City Life & Campus Life meetings where we had students participate virtually.
- We start a phone app Bible study with our YFC Core Kids. We met weekly with our clubs on zoom to share what we were learning about God and our prayer requests.
- We helped comfort kids who were dealing with deep loneliness and grief caused by family members passing away.
- Lots of Zoom meetins, phone calls, texts, walks, etc, to bring joy in a hard time.
I’m not going to lie, it was definitely harder to minister teens while “social distancing”, but we consistently checked in to encourage, love and pray with them. Reminding them that even though the world has changed, God has not.