A Year in Review, our 2021-22 Annual Report

June 2, 2022


2021-2022 Annual Report

A Year in Review…

A message from our Executive Director, Craig Muller:

Long Island has approximately 500,000 11–19-year-olds; many of whom are marginalized and isolated because of their circumstances of poverty, gangs, drugs, depression, or abuse. Each day kids walk the halls of their schools in search of their identity, purpose, and belonging. Youth for Christ exists to pursue young people where they are, connect with them, and provide them with the opportunity to know Jesus.


We believe there is room here for every story and that every kid matters to God no matter what the circumstance. We are seeing young people transformed in our ministries because of Jesus. Teens are moving from isolation to a safe, caring community. From a year of loss to joy restored. From fear and uncertainty; to courageous faith. From self-focused; to servant leadership. From relational poverty; to the extended family of God.


This doesn’t happen without YOU! Christ uses partners and volunteers like you every day to propel our mission exponentially, so more kids’ lives are changed forever. I would like to invite you to join our mission. Please consider giving, praying, or serving. It would be our privilege to partner together so kids who need hope will never be the same; because of Jesus, and because of you…

Click HERE to continue reading our Annual Report